Monday, 7 May 2012


Here is some information that I acquired from a friend that has always told me about the advantages of LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is a business-related social networking site based out of a headoffice in California. Since it was launched in May 2003 LinkedIn has had over 150 million subscribers placing it well ahead of its direct competitors Viadeo and Xing. It is available in over 13 different languages and has registered users in over 200 countries and territories. Since I subscribed to LinkedIn 2 years ago I have used it in various areas:
  • Networking - LinkedIn has enabled me to build a network of companies and contacts in and around the IT industry including both competitors and new business opportunities.
  • Recruitment - Through LinkedIn I have been able to find candidates for vacant jobs within our company that have the right level of experience, relevant qualificatoins and also live within the catchment area.
  • Advertising - I currently use LinkedIn to advertise any vacant job roles we have on offer as well as seminars and events we are hosting to help increase attendance.
  • Reaserch - Through LinkedIn I follow various companies, contacts and groups for local upates in the market place as well as attending forums and webinars.

LinkedIn launched a mobile version of the site in February 2008 and is also available as an application across various platforms such as Andriod and Itunes.

I did join linkedIn a while ago but I have not used it much.  I plan to let go of my fear of being a novice and enhance my engagement.  Hopefully I will be as positive about it as my friend!

Hollie x

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Task 1d with development!

Using my new web 2.0 tools I progressed from my first characterful video to a professional showreel that will benefit my practice.  I feel a bit nervous about sharing this - but without sharing my work it will never be seen!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Critical questions and issues that emerge aka 3d

So it is time to reflect and digest - something I think I need to develop within my practice.  The main things I have learnt about my learning in general are:

1. I always try to do more than is asked of me and this can lead me to loose track - I need to find more focus.  Quality not quantity!
2. I spend to much time worrying about what other people will think of my work which causes me to waste time and stop learning altogether sometimes.
3.  My thoughts and feelings in relation to my experiences are my learning and this can not be put into chapters like a book! I need to be flexible with my learning and not put so much pressure on myself.
4. I am a visual learner and I need to utilise this.

In light of these aspects I am going set myself a task and approach task 3d with an attitude to do my best to in force change.  It will not be perfect my learning is developing not stopping.  I am going to try to address only the most important issues to improve the quality of my writing.  I am going to give myself an hour to complete it and I will force myself to stop when that hour is up just as an exercise! I will not worry about what I am writing just let it flow and I will do my best to incorporate so visuals as well! So here it goes:

1. Do some very specific ideas emerge about your networking and sources?
I think I have been a bit naive in relation to whole concept of networking.  As fore mentioned I was told at performing arts college it was about mingling with the right people and working your way to the top.  Obviously I knew this was not all there was to it but the negative relationship I built with the theory didn't really go away until now! I practice in networks every day and the reader opened my mind to so many different exploration avenues.  I had never looked at networking in a psychological sense and this really helped me see how important it is to analyse how we operate within our networks and how they are benefiting us.  I operate well within networks I feel comfortable in but I walk on egg shells in others to the point where I am getting nothing out of being a part of them.  I used to associate the notion of working out how it benefits me as being a selfish act when in reality it is the complete opposite.  If I don't actively engage in a network I am no benefit to the others involved not just myself.  This is enlightening for me and the reader helped me get to that places.  Regarding my sources I have come to realise it is again about realising what works for me and utilising that fully.  When trying something new I need to persist with it for a while - if you don't give something a chance you will never know.

2. Does your engagement to date seem appropriate?
Hard question, I feel it is in some areas but not in others.  As fore mentioned my engagement is great in networks I feel comfortable within, facebook, my teaching peers and friends.  Saying that I can now see how I can utilise those networks more as well.  I have a long way to go but this section of study has shed a new light and given me enthusiasm to make those changes.  I would not describe my practice as limited but it is not focused yet either.  I do believe I will get there though.  I would describe my networking as sporadic and planned when in practice if that makes sense.  I might not engage in a network for a while but when I do I really plan my participation and put a lot of time into it, this is an analogy for my learning too! I put a lot of planning time in but I still not feel I find that clarity.  This is going to be something that will derive out of continuous practice.

3. Are your ideas, position or concerns shared by others within and or/beyond your professional area of work?
Yes I think they are! In relation to my work on BAPP the most comments I have received on a post is a blog in which I opened up about worrying about what others think or perceive of my work. Writers block stuck and struggling!  This demonstrates how others feel the same way and how it can hinder our engagement within our networks.  In my many workplaces it is evident that experience provides confidence - I witness people thriving within a network as their confidence grows.  I am the same and I think it is human nature but we need to remember we only get out what we put in.  I can see people who are more active in their networks and have success because of it for example my best friend is always contacting new people in the performing world and really putting herself out there.  She steps out of her comfort zone to create networks that will benefit her and she maintains her current networks with focus and planning - this is something I aspire to. 

4.  Does sharing ideas and communicating with others shift your thinking, planning or practice?
Everyday! I am easily influenced by thoughts and work of others and I do not think this is always a good thing, it isn't a bad thing either.  In conversations with others I can work out thought processes and decide upon a next step no matter how small.  If I operate alone I don't do that and I run myself into the ground with worry.  I never saw my networks as a way to outsource this but of coarse they are.  With my new found knowledge I can move forward with a clearer attitude and use my networks to help me.  My thinking is my planning which leads to practice.  They all interlinked and the starting point of my thoughts is ever changing and growing by taking in the world around me - sharing.  The more I share the more I will grow and I see that now.


5. Does critical reflection help you decide what really matters and the actions to take?
It does now because I think I have developed a form of critical reflection that works for me rather than doing what is asked of me for the sake of it.  I can see that looking outward is just as important as looking in.  I have built the confidence to question the information out there and using what I think will help my practice develop rather than seeing knowledge as an untouchable higher power.  Using that critical approach is much more beneficial than simply information gathering which I think I had a tendency to to before.  I can still develop this further but I have good grounds and I am beginning to see just how crucial it is in helping working out what matters, solutions to problems that arise and how to hold on to ideas that emerge and put them into my practice.

6. To what extent do concepts and theories assist you in thinking about your professional networking in different ways?
I have always found concepts and theories a little intimidating but I have found them crucial to my development.  In taking knowledge from those with more experience and applying it to my practice I am growing into a more developed practitioner.  I see now that even if I do not agree with a concept or theory it is important to explore.  Sometimes even more so as I find myself asking why I do not agree.  The concepts and theories in the reader surrounding networking really openly my eyes to a new way of thinking.  I had never thought of the concept as psychological and now I have a better understanding I want to try the theories out!

7. And do these different ways of thinking have some purpose for you?
Yes they do as they give me direction.  I major thing I learnt throughout part 1 of the BAPP course is that you have to let go of direction.  I have really struggled with this but it is something that I am continuing to work on.  By taking on a different way of thinking I feel a new sense of direction and that excites me.  These new concepts and theories have helped me to build a new enthusiasm to look at my practice further.  Without looking outward we have nothing to further ourselves inwardly.

My time is up! So I finished my sentence and uploaded a stop sign picture but I did stop in the hour and I only have one more question to look at.  Yey this is really good for me!

8. Are you left thinking differently prior to this part of the module? And if so, now?
Yes I do feel differently as fore mentioned I had a blurred view of the concept of networking and now I can see there is so much to explore.  I used to feel quite negative about it but now I can see I am already a part of it and there is so many ways to enhance my practice through it, I feel very positive.  I almost wish I had done part 3 of the module at the beginning to open my mind to the benefits of networking but then without part 1 I would not have a medium to be sharing these thoughts right now.

These are some images I found that I liked in relation to my journey so far:

There is always more than one direction.  I don't have to choose the right way to go it will just happen this way or that! It has been a hard concept for me.

The spy penguin made me giggle and I also thought it is a bit like me trying out my new networking concepts and theories with others not knowing.  A bit of fun before the serious writing begins!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Sources of info from my fellow BAPPer's aka 3c continued

In order to find other sources of information that I could use in my networking practice I decided where better to look than my fellow BAPPer's.  Here is what I found:

You tube I use this tool but have never thought of it as one of my main sources of information.  I have used it more than I did before through my blogs.  I found it a great way to share and explain ideas I have had through a different medium.  After making a video of my own in  Task 1d I began to realise the opportunities it could open up to me.  I thoroughly enjoyed this task and felt very proud of the result.  Paula Nottingham commented that she hoped to see more of this from me and I hope to utilise this new found tool as I move forward on the course. As I have discovered through my studies I believe my self to be a visual learner and when looking through my blogs I am not really helping myself as it is all chunks of writing.

'Having a visual representation to learn from when you are teaching a visual art is incredibly useful.'
Danni Webber

'Videos on you tube can spread so quickly.' Afi Agyeman

TES This is something I have used in my practice very recently.  I use it in my new role in education recruitment - it is quite adept that I have always been on the search for jobs and now I have a job finding other people jobs.  The teaching I have done has always been quite set and planned out for me so I have not had the need to find a website like TES.  However as I move forward with my teaching it is a great tool to have - a support network of information that will provide endless knowledge.

'Whole library of teaching resources.' Danni Webber

'Gives me inspiration when I am stuck.' Ahmet Ahmet

Television This did not come to mind as a source of information but of coarse it is.  As a visual learner I like to watch documentaries.  In my new role working within special needs education I have learnt a lot from recent documentaries about children who are hearing impaired and suffering with autism.  When you see it happening it is easier to understand and relate to.  I also watched a documentary surrounding the dangerous nature of social media when partaking in the first have of this course.  I have also mentioned before that I think it is important to understand what happened before us in order to move forward and television provides us with an accessible medium for this knowledge.  As an actress I am constantly analysing and learning from the performances of those on television as Laura Sinigaglia mentions in her blog;

'It is a good source of information especially to enrich my acting skills.'

By looking at others work I have recognised other sources of information that I believe will enhance my knowledge and therefore my networking. Thanks guys!

Hollie x

Sources of information aka 3c

"Experience has long been considered the best teacher of knowledge.  Since we cannot experience everything, other people's experiences, and hence other people, become the surrogate for knowledge. 'I store my knowledge in my friends' is an axiom for collecting knowledge though collecting people." Karen Stephenson

Stephenson states that in collecting people we are collecting knowledge.  This is a notion that I have a strong belief in.  I believe that meeting new people from all backgrounds is where we gain our most valuable knowledge and lessons in life.  Looking outward to other theories surrounding networking in 3c I began to see the whole process in a new light.  The psychological element of our practice is of great interest to me - Why we do what we do? Why we make certain decisions and when? The study of other theories broadened my understanding to the fact that every circle I operate within is a network I am sourcing from not just those I consider as my 'professional' networks in relation to work. 

While on the train home today I got thinking about the networks I have joined most recently and why.  I am looking to move to London and I joined a flat share network on line in order to find a cheaper place.  I joined this network to solve a problem, to find a solution.  And it led me to a thought, isn't that why we join all our networks in life - to find a solution.  Whether it be to find a support in friends, the answer to career aspirations or a flatmate we are searching for a solution are we not?  I believe that my desire to make a difference has lead me to subconsciously collect people from many different walks of life in order to collect the knowledge I need to find a solution to my aspirations.  Does that make sense? It does to me and it is rather enlightening.  But how do I collect those people:

1. Face to face This is a source of information that I feel can never be 'topped'.  In a world of technology connections can become so impersonal and distant.  I never have and don't believe I ever will under estimate the power of face to face meetings.  I do not believe you can create a true and sincere connection through a screen or even a phone, you can maintain one but not create one.  In my busy lifestyle phone conversations can be brief and rushed.  By taking the time out of my schedule to sit down and invest time in talking things through the conversations become invaluable and essential to my progression.  My friends are my closest and best network, in building a close relationship I can share fears, achievements, good news and bad.  Talking things through has always helped me make sense of situations and work out how I feel and in turn determining my direction.  Most of my jobs have come through these connections I have made too.  Without affiliation with people we do not share, without sharing there is no network.  We learn to trust people and then we are willing to invest.

2. Phone/text/email I have grouped these together as for me they balance in importance regarding my sources for information.  In reality this is the source that I use the most in my networking practice and I would not function professionally without it like most people in this age.  It is a quick and easy source of information sharing that is so convenient and effective.  In my professional world it is my best way of maintaining contact. An email, text or phone call to a previous work colleague, casting director or employer is not imposing or intrusive when actioned in the correct circumstances and fashion.  It is a great way to stay 'in the loop' and remain at the forefront of people's minds.  By signing up to chosen mailing lists I receive texts and emails that relate to my practice on a daily basis.  What a great source of information - it is sent to me I don't even have to spend time looking for it.  I do not believe I would be able to operate in my networks with out any of these tools.

3. The Internet Where do I start? The information is endless and my practice centres around the knowledge that can be found.  I use search sites like google everyday to expand my learning and open up opportunities.  Anything you want to know you can find online.  It is fact not experience, I feel that experience is a more valuable learning tool but I have found my experiences through the web.  In a way it is means to an experience.  I use social networking sites to stay in touch with affiliations I have made and be a part of new ones as an when it works for me.  I think I could utilise the tools within the web more but I do my best to keep up and at the end of the day there is always going to be more because it develops and grows everyday as I suppose we do too.  I never thought I would be doing a degree through the web!

4. Literature Although a lot of the literature I read is sourced online I still see it as a separate form of information.  I try to keep up to date with what is going on in my fields through literature in the form of subject news and articles.  This is a source I would love to build upon as I feel it would make me a more rounded and informed practioner.  It is so important to keep up to date with the ever changing world and progression within our own networks.  We may go to share but without information we can become stuck.  I love to read and always blame the time factor for not doing enough.  I believe that always as being informed about what is happening now it is important to know what has come before.  Literature provides us with that and I still trust a book more than the web - although I suppose both should be approached with a level of critical reflection.

5. Personal accounts This is a source of information that I use to analyse my own thoughts and feelings about my experiences.  As I have learnt from my journey on the BAPP course it is just as important to look in as it is to look out.  This consists of notebooks, journals, letters I never send, drawings and photos.  This is where the old-fashioned side of me comes out and I really value these practices.  I consider them to be a great source of information to look back on and understand how I felt in order to see if I have moved on, stayed the same or fallen back.  These practices hold great importance to me and help me puzzle through things.  I wish I had a better way of organising my thoughts and feelings but I also believe that thoughts and feelings can always be organised and when mine are not that is when I partake in these practices.  It is a very small network of my own experiences but I believe it be one of the most important to observe and maintain.