Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Chapter 5: A slice of me! aka Task 1d

My headshot!Sparkly ship singing!Dream girls!Glinda wannabe!Hairspray!Rockin n rollin!
There's no business like show business!Life is a cabaret!Cabaret!Teacher teacher!Maths time!Cheeky chops!
Boys will be boys!Lunch time!Hoop game!Bunny ears!Smile to break your heart!Me as Jill in pantomime!
Me in my panto wedding dress!Me with my on stage husband!Me with my on stage dad!

a slice of me!, a set on Flickr.
Putting my tools into practice here is my first attempt at flickr!
Hollie xx


  1. Great pictures Hayley, love the panto ones...

    I really like your titles, they are really chatty and you sound like you are not taking yourself seriously. It's a great quality.

    I have started working on part 2, take a look when you have a min...


  2. I agree Hollie - the photographs group well and show both stage and backstage. Positive images.

  3. Hi Hollie, a couple of questions for you i wondered if you could help me with.

    Q1)How did you manage to put your flikr images like you have on your blog above, I have captured a screen shot, but your images are a lot largeer and clearer and a direct link to Flikr.
    Q2) With regards to task 1a - I have noticed that we have both used 'google docs.' and I dont think mine is currently 'shared' and I cannot locate the tool to unlock this - do you happen to know by any chance? As I really want it to be visible to my followers?

    Please let me know if you can help at all.
