Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Next step!

So my inquiry is going to based around London theatre companies and I need to start looking at those which I wish to explore!  In order to get my head around this I have gone to my resources - paperwork from the conference I went to, twitter, my colleagues and friends and of coarse the Internet.  I have a knowledge of a few companies but in order to get a simple but better understanding I have searched for mission statements or brief summaries of their work.

Unicorn Theatre  The Unicorn Theatre is the UK’s leading theatre for audiences aged 2-21, serving over 70,000 children, young people and families every year through its professional performances, participation and other events.  It is a central part of the Unicorn’s mission to commission new work, to tour, to be accessible to all and to encourage exchange and collaboration between theatre-makers from different countries and traditions, coming together to develop ideas and projects.

Polka Theatre Polka is devoted to work for and with children, presenting a year-round programme of theatre productions, other arts related events and a wide range of educational and participatory activities.  Polka’s mission is to spark the imagination and fuel a sense of discovery in children from every background.  We do this through thrilling world-class theatre and a creative programme of learning, in a welcoming and stimulating environment.

Little Angel Theatre   Little Angel Theatre is one of only three building-based puppet theatres in England. The Little Angel Theatre is committed to working with children, young people, adults and families, both through schools, at the theatre and in the local community.  We are developing innovative projects to improve access to our work, offer opportunities for participation, and stimulate learning and creativity for all using puppetry.

Oily Cart Since 1981 Oily Cart has been taking its unique blend of theatre to children and young people in schools and venues across the UK. Challenging accepted definitions of theatre and audience, we create innovative, multi-sensory and highly interactive productions for the very young and for young people with profound and multiple learning disabilities.

The Blue Elephant Theatre Aims to nurture new and emerging artists across all art-forms.  The wide range education work caters for both in and out-of-school provision, with drama and forum theatre workshops in primary and secondary schools, after-school clubs, two young people's theatre groups and school holiday programmes.

Half moon Young People's Theatre Gives young people from birth to 18 an opportunity to experience the best in young people's theatre, as participants and audience members.  The company places emphasis on engaging participants and artists often excluded from arts activity, such as those from BME communities, Deaf and disabled people, or those excluded due to socio-economic circumstance.

Chickenshed Theatre Company As an inclusive theatre their aim is to bring people together of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to produce outstanding theatre that inspires, challenges, entertains and educates both audiences and participants alike.  Elsewhere difference divides, at Chickenshed the difference makes the art.

There are many more than this but I have picked out a few that are of particular interest to me and to be honest that I would love to work for!  As I worked through I went back to my question and realised that I have not highlighted the fact that I am looking at children's theatre companies and by focusing on this I think I will find clarity in my inquiry.  So it should be:

How are London based children's theatre companies using different tools to enhance and enrich a child's experience of live theatre?

In focusing on children (under 14) rather than young people (14 and above) I need to make sure the companies that I approach are focused on the same age group or at least have a wealth of work covering this field. 

After looking at various literature I have also decided that studying 5 companies within my time frame may be slightly unrealistic and I would not be able to understand their work fully.  I now plan to look at 3 and see it as a comparative study.  It will be important to choose the right companies to explore but obviously this all depends on the access I am given - I have to get past the gatekeepers!

Hollie xx   

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