Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Here we go....

So here we's module 3 and I can't quite believe the end is in sight.  I feel like I have been hibernating in the world of my inquiry project!  The recent campus session I attended highlighted the need to come out of hibernation in order to see out of my own practises and workplace and enjoy this process.

I am enjoying this process but it's a little stressful too.  I feel I am becoming an informed practitioner that is giving me a new found confidence in my professional and personal life.  At the recent campus session we mentioned how our work had become a from of therapy helping us to understand ourselves and our work in a new light.  I have discovered career paths that I didn't know existed that I plan to pursue - this is a huge for a girl who has been a 'drifter' the past few years, always unsure of a career path, craving a sense of direction.

 My main worry is time there never seems to be enough of it.  After talking to others on the campus session it became clear that this was a worry for us all and I soon realised that managing those worries is all part of the process.  We can't beat ourselves up about the things we are struggling with, managing those struggles is how we learn.  So I am trying to manage this by staying positive, believing in my work and not setting myself unobtainable goals.  It is the worst feeling when I do not achieve what I set out to do in a day so while I have a plan I have learnt to make it realistic so the work I produce is of quality and not just squeezed into a self given time frame.  I have also come to trust my judgements, I am not a great decision maker at the best of times and I feel this is a skill I have developed (and am still developing).  With literature I have found it hard to STOP reading and make choices.  I have come to terms with the fact I am never going to be able to encompass and read all the literature out there related to my topic it is about making informed choices otherwise there really will be no time.    

How are other people managing time worries?

I am in the stage of analysing my research findings as well as collecting data.  When tackling analysis I struggled with thinking was this the right way?  I have come to terms with the fact that everyone has different ways and my way is the right way because it works for me!  I have also found myself worrying about the quality of my notes but in realising they are only for me I have progressed at a faster and more productive pace.  These are my current processes:
  • Working through my chosen literature focus pieces making bullet point notes on the computer.
  • Colour coding my notes for myself in relation to each of my questions. 
  • Written my questions out on a large piece of paper as a constant reminder to stay focused on them.
  • Kept a diary constantly in my bag to write notes and ideas formulated in a way that can be shared as evidence.
  • Going back - looking at where I started from has given a new found focus to my work.  I have a few key words on a large piece of paper as a constant reminder.  Inspire, experience, access, engage, enhance.
In relation to the notes I make on literature (a lengthy process by the way) does anyone know if these could be an appendix to my work or do they need to be referenced and formulated in order to appear in my piece?

Before I go if you haven't used the library then do! It is amazing and well worth the trip, I also plan to have study days there ( it is pretty hard to concentrate sitting on my bed or the sofa in my tiny flat).  It is amazing how much more work you get done.

Stay positive (telling myself that too)

Hollie xx


  1. Hi Hollie, I am in the process of giving myself a hard time! I have just had 2 weeks of rehearsals and shows so my time to study has been few and far between. I am behind in my schedule and a new important piece of literature arrived through the post and I can't believe how heavy it is and that I need to read the whole book! I think I need to stop panicking! Loosing sleep over this will not help! I have also written out my key words, knowing they are there in my learning journal is so helpful. My problem at the moment is that every time I work I feel like I open more ideas and thoughts, do you think these will ever narrow down?

    1. Thanks for your reply Mimi! It is so hard not to get stressed about timing but I think it is about giving yourself realistic goals and deserved breaks too! Otherwise if your anything like me you get so worried about everything you have to do you end up doing nothing. I am the same in terms of always finding new ideas and thoughts and it is so hard to filter. I have realised I have to trust myself and make desicions and STOP looking for more literature. We will never be able to read it all and our inquiry's are on a small scale really - so only advice I have is trust yourself. Also constantly referring back to my questions allowed me gain clarity on the importance of the literature in front of me. It is always going to be interesting to us because we chose to explore that subject but is it revelant to your actual question? Can always go back and read it another time when we don't have so much to do. Hope that helps!

      Hollie xx

    2. I think I need one more piece of literature and then I can relax, I just want another book for my bibliography because that looks a bit weak at the moment. I am bearing in mind what Paula said in Campus 2 about scanning the literature and just focusing on reading the important pieces

    3. Hi Hollie, just thought that you might not have been added to the facebook SIG because of deferring, the link is

    4. Thank you soooo much Mimi I have requested to be a part of the group x

    5. That's okay, did you get my email? If you need anyone to sound any ideas off then don't hesitate to contact me x
