Monday, 22 October 2012


So here goes a few question ideas:

  1. How can I combine theatre and working with disadvantaged and disabled children/young people?
  2. What is inclusive theatre?
  3. What inclusive theatre companies are out there?
  4. How can I get involved in inclusive theatre?
  5. What is out there in regards to community theatre and outreach projects?
  6. How can I get involved in community theatre and outreach projects?
  7. What can I bring to inclusive/community/outreach theatre and how?
  8. How does theatre benefit disadvantaged and disabled children/young people?
  9. How can theatre be made be made more accessible for children/young people?
  10. How can I get involved with children/young peoples theatre?
  11. How does theatre benefit children/young people?
Any advice or comments you have on any of my questions would be greatly appreciated!

Hollie x


  1. Hi Holly

    Me again LOL!

    these questions i can DEFINATELY help you with if you needed more information! it is everything which i have dedicated my life to and the area which i am now employed in so if you need anything i can help you with this.

    what you will find with your question is that "inclusivity" in itself is such a vast term and one which will provide you with many different result. For example some companies call them selves inclusive because they have wheelchair access- others will claim inclusivity because of the method they use when approaching theatre, and some claim inclusivity because of the attention they give to the individual. All of which valid but different.

    You will also find the the word "inclusive" is now the "it" term- which means many theatre companies have started using it- so the theatre i work at "Chickenshed" are finding it difficult to define themselves as unique and put into words their style of theatre.

    Please let me know if there is anythin else i can do. I tips for me to further develop my project if you have any thoughts

  2. Hi Jojo,

    Thanks so much!! I will definately be tapping into your brain for as much help as I can!!

    That is really important information for me to know regarding the term 'inclusive' before I go any futher with my proposed questions. In your opinion is it a term that is a little to broad to go forward with an inquiry about? Maybe if I focus it a little more it might help - I am interested in getting theatre out to those who would not usually experience it such as disabled and disadvantaged young people. In your opinion would this be considered 'inclusive' or 'outreach'?

    I would love to know more about the work at chickenshed - I know students attend the school but what sort of outreach do they do? I know you mentioned it is hard to define but how would you summarise the work they do?

    I ran the 10k for chickenshed couple of weeks go...lots of unexpected hills he he!!

    In my other comment I recommended some things that might help also at the campus session we spoke about how literature can help - see my discussion with Danni about this:

    Sorry don't know how to make it a link on here!

    Thanks again

    Hollie x
