Tuesday, 30 October 2012

I want to hold your hand.....

By simply get more involved in our BAPP community I feel I am developing my SIG and my practice!! In finding people who are interested in similar subjects I do not feel so alone and I am starting to feel more engaged within a support system.

I had previous created a linkedin account that I have failed to really use - here is the link to my profile please add me to your network:


I have also created a group for those interested in similar subjects to myself, just a reminder they are:

Children's Theatre
Youth Theatre
Community Theatre
Inclusive Theatre
Outreach Theatre

Here is the link to my group entitled:

Making theatre more accessible to young people!

I am finding twitter a great source for networking and finding new companies and people that I am interested in.

Follow me @hannecartwright

By the way my linkedin and twitter are under my stage name: Hollie Anne Cartwright

Would love to know what forms of SIG are working best for everyone!

Hollie x


  1. Hi Holly

    Really appreacited your comments and what you have said makes perfect sense!

    this blog stood out to me inparticularly because i have not reached the stage where i do not feel so alone with my project. And im unsure how to change this. How are you using mediums such as twitter to help inyour project?

    Also is you are interested in Inclusive theatre i work at the Chickenshed Theatre-specifially with Foundation Degree Student and BA students and could offer you information about them or potentially time with them for interviews or a workshop depending what time you would want (if so) to do that.

    Would love to hear from you about how i can reach more people to gain knowledge of my area of interest and also help as to where and how i can develop as i am finding it difficult- and you seem to really have a grasp on the module.


  2. Hi Jojo,

    Thanks for your reply! Trust me I still feel a lost but maybe not as much as before - I know it is really hard to find the time but I would really recommend going back to the BAPP libguide and making sure you are following everyone on the course, I wasn't. As I started to take the time to read others work and comment it help me understand myself and what I wanted to explore a little more.

    In regards to twitter as I am new to the field I want to explore I found that by following one company I had heard of such as chickenshed I then went to who they followed and found other companies I had never heard of doing similar work I am interested in. They may not be connected to me yet but I feel it is a good medium for expanding my knowledge of what is going on. What do you think? Maybe it could help for you to follow people doing similar work to you in a different company to see how other people are approaching certain things.

    That would be so great to meet some of the students at chickenshed even I was just observing the work you do there. Can you offer any advice on what experience employers at chickenshed may look for in actors and teachers they employ?

    Also I would recommend joining linkedin good groups are being created and there is lots of good contacts outside of the course too that might be good for you to start discussions with on your area!

    Also....after going to the campus session this week dont feel you have to decide on your question before moving on with other tasks as this module is all about experimenting with our questions. (This is how I was feeling)

    Hope that helps and thank you again for your help!

    Hollie x

  3. Hi Hollie

    Have sent you a friend request, to your link as above. Here is my link also :)

