Thursday, 8 November 2012

Ethics in my work place, my thoughts....

I work in a transdisciplinary manner so I have broken down my initial thoughts on ethics in my work place into the two sectors of my current practice.

Workshop facilitating/teaching
  • Act with integrity and honesty at all times.
  • Represent my organisation with respect of their ethos and professionalism.
  • Promote the intentions and aims of the organisation in a positive manner.
  • Maintain high standards and exceptional reputation to up most ability.
  • Be punctual, personable and professional.
  • Take responsibility to find out as much as I can about different environments and react appropriately.
  • Adhere to organisation/school policies eg. carrying CRB and passport.
  • Safety and well being of students in my care is paramount.
  • Carrying out health and safety checks of environment.
  • Engaging, inspiring and educating students.
  • Communicate effectively with staff/colleagues and parents.
  • Conduct workshops to the best of my ability.
  • Invest time and effort in lesson planning to have the most productive/successful sessions as possible.
  • Perform to up most ability at all times.
  • Maintain direction that has been given.
  • Respect fellow performers on and off stage.
  • Adhere to creative team at all times.
  • Awareness and respect of the crews needs and regulations.
  • Adhere to theatre regulations.
  • Punctuality and presentation are paramount.
  • Adapt to changes quickly and efficiently.
  • Uphold any contractual agreements.
  • Take responsibility for personal health and well-being.
  • Take care and precaution with set and costume provided.
Let's see if I am right!!

Hollie x


  1. i like that you have split this into two sections, when doing mine i actually did not think of the performance side, it is good to see it wrote down and with your own opinion, i think ethics are quite personal however a lot of them are general ethics that can overlap into different situations, do you agree?

    steph x

  2. Hi Steph,
    Yes I do agree after thinking about my ethics seperately in each work place it became apparent that a lot of them overlap and like you said a lot of them relate to personal ethical approach. I think as creatives we are used to thinking of ourselves as our product and therefore see ethics as our personal morals and approach but I think in order to progress our professional practice it is about having an awareness of the differences between personal and professional ethics. It is not necessarily about seperating them but just knowing where they lie and where they collide and where they don't. Maybe that is a personal thing for me I had just always thought of ethics a personal thing rather than professional. What do you think? x
