Wednesday, 7 November 2012



I love this visual of the word inspire.  All my questions lead to and from the fact that I want to inspire others and be inspired along the way.  To me this image demonstrates how inspiration is all about growth, it can go in any direction or path, follow any mood or experience and it leads to beauty and development.  The word inspire is going to be the backbone of my inquiry.

My topic: Theatre - Inclusive, community, outreach

How will it help me?
  • Expand my knowledge which lends to development in my confidence to pursue new avenues.
  • Improve my awareness and theoretical knowledge to better my practice.
  • Open my mind and broaden my horizons.
How will it help others?
  • Knowledge sharing with those interested/involved in the field.
  • New take/outlook on the topic.
  • Research of others work may lead to me developing ideas to further my practice of companies and colleagues I am connected with.
Will evidence make a difference?
  • Yes - knowledge is power.
  • Improve my approach to my current work.
From asking myself these questions and the reflection in my previous blog I have developed my questions a little further in preparation for taking them to my peers and colleagues for their opinions - some of them are the same as before:

How can theatre be made more accessible to young people?

How can arts enhance the school curriculum?

What are the benefits of the arts in schools?

How can theatre be made more accessible to disabled and disadvantaged young people?

What are the benefits of theatre for disabled and disadvantaged young people?

How can I get involved in inclusive, outreach and community theatre?

How can access to live theatre and arts workshops enhance a child's progression?

How can theatre act as a form of therapy - what are the benefits?

How can theatre and access to it develop lifelong skills?

What skills/experience are required to work within inclusive, community, outreach theatre?

How do students and teachers feel about the benefits of arts in education?

I plan to draw on a range of knowledge to develop these questions further! Any advice on here greatly appreciated!


Hollie x

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